SR. Operations Manager

Cristian is 29 years old who was born and raised In Flagstaff, Arizona. He has been in the medical device field for 11 years most notably employed by W.L. Gore. He has worked in balloon development for 7 years. Cristian has also worked in stent frame design, design of experiment, early concept medical device prototyping amongst other things. He has experience from early concept all the way through to commercialization. Prior to working at Poba, he worked in a product development capacity in multiple balloon projects. He is currently the Senior Engineering Technician here at Poba Medical and oversees all balloon recipe development and Poba operations.

Cristian is currently married and has two boys with Michelle Montanez.  He enjoys mountain biking, maintaining and racing performance cars, and coaching his sons' sports. He believes that the transition from working in the corporate medical device industry to the start-up world has been incredibly rewarding. It has enabled his growth to own larger processes and continuing challenging himself.

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